A Poem by George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron) 1788-1824 A Study Guide |
Study Guide Prepared by Michael J. Cummings..© 2008 Type of Work and Year Written “She Walks in Beauty” is a lyric poem centering on the extraordinary beauty of a young lady. George Gordon Byron (commonly known as Lord Byron) wrote the poem in 1814 and published it in a collection, Hebrew Melodies, in 1815.
The theme of the poem is the woman's exceptional beauty, internal as well as external. The first stanza praises her physical beauty. The second and third stanzas praise both her physical and spiritual, or intellectual, beauty.
. She Walks in Beauty By Lord Byron (1788-1824) Text She walks in beauty,
like the night
One shade the more,
one ray the less,
And on that cheek, and
o'er that brow,
. Rhyme Scheme and Meter The rhyme scheme of the first stanza is ababab; the second stanza, cdcdcd; and the third stanza, efefef. All the end rhymes are masculine. The meter is predominantly iambic tetrameter, a pattern in which a line has four pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables—eight syllables in all. The first two lines demonstrate the pattern followed throughout the poem except for line 6, which has nine syllables:
She WALKS | in BEAU | ty, LIKE | the NIGHT
Enjambment links the end of line 1 with line 2. Enjambment means carrying the sense of one line of verse over to the next line without a pause. (Note that there is no pause after night. Pauses occur at the end of the other lines.) Alliteration occurs frequently to enhance the appeal of the poem to the ear. The most obvious examples of this figure of speech include the following: Line 2:....cloudless climes; starry skies.Other Figures of Speech Examples of other figures of speech are the following: Lines 1, 2:......Simile comparing the movement of the beautiful woman to the movement of the skiesImagery: Light and Darkness Byron presents an ethereal portrait of the young woman in the first two stanzas by contrasting white with black and light with shadow in the same way that nature presents a portrait of the firmament—and the landscape below—on a cloudless starlit evening. He tells the reader in line 3 that she combines “the best of dark and bright” (bright here serving as an noun rather than an adjective) and notes that darkness and light temper each other when they meet in her raven hair. Byron's words thus turn opposites into compeers working together to celebrate beauty. Study Questions and Writing Topics 1...What
is beauty? To what extent does beauty depend on personality?